20:24 14.05.2017

EEG hardware hack uses blink detection and predictive text for hands-free typing

20:21 14.05.2017

Building a smarter Hacker News

20:19 14.05.2017

‘Elderly Alexa’ helps family care for their remote loved ones via voice

20:14 14.05.2017

WEDJ lets bars and clubs create in-person social playlists in real time

19:50 14.05.2017

RoboWaiter wants to make American restaurants great again with robots

19:49 14.05.2017

Val.ai lets self-driving cars bid for parking spots

19:42 14.05.2017

Buttons for Good donates to charity every time you take an Uber

19:42 14.05.2017

CodeCorrect finds solutions to common errors in your code

19:37 14.05.2017

reVive is a VR solution to diagnosing ADHD built by high school students

19:33 14.05.2017

BackMap helps people who are visually impaired navigate cities and indoor areas

19:33 14.05.2017

BikeParking.Club brings connects a social network to bike locks in a city

19:33 14.05.2017


18:32 14.05.2017

В Москве открыли киберспортивное пространство Yota Arena — 12 фото

18:27 14.05.2017

Watch the Disrupt NY Hackathon demos live right here

18:00 14.05.2017

Gillmor Gang: Doc Soup

17:38 14.05.2017

Get ready for a new iPad and a mysterious Siri speaker at WWDC

17:06 14.05.2017

Google's Mother's Day Logo In Cactus Plants

16:00 14.05.2017

Pattern recognition

13:44 14.05.2017

Часть российских пользователей получила доступ к приложению Android Pay