17:15 30.08.2015

Обновление YotaPhone сделало приложение «Аэрофлота» предустановленным для всех пользователей

16:15 30.08.2015

SailPlay открыл офис в Нью-Йорке

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16:00 30.08.2015

Rating The Websites Of The 2016 Republican Political Candidates

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Лучшее на ЦП за неделю: «Нагугливший работу» программист, падение рубля и успех «Идти-кота»

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50 customer service quotes to live by by @albertcostill

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Долго, дорого, от руки: Как компании готовили презентации до появления PowerPoint

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Самые важные новости недели на SEOnews

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Не читающий финансовых новостей японский трейдер за 24 часа заработал на обвале китайских рынков $34 млн

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HTC Forges More VR Relationships As Co-Founder Peter Chou Joins Visual Effects Firm

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Graduated From An Engineering Bootcamp? Now What?

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Japan’s top-grossing mobile game Monster Strike pulled from Apple app store

04:00 30.08.2015

Email Is The Last, And Ultimate, Social Graph

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Minecraft creator has existential meltdown on Twitter, then gets stung by Jellyfish

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The next iPhone: The new features we expect to see September 9

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Elon Musk Can’t Be That Afraid Of Robots, Check Out This Tesla Production Line

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Ashley Madison courted several buyers, landed none before attack

00:00 30.08.2015

New photos reportely show Apple iPhone 6s Force Touch screen and larger front camera

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The drone revolution: How unmanned aerial vehicles will transform the economy

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Until Dawn gets its first bug-fix update

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ArenaNet makes Guild Wars 2 free as it preps paid Heart of Thorns expansion