21:39 02.12.2022

Astra star hire Benjamin Lyon resigns, management team restructured

21:31 02.12.2022

Activision Blizzard workers in Albany vote to form the company’s second union

21:30 02.12.2022

Bird’s plan to stay in the shared scooter game

21:11 02.12.2022

When one door closes … Opendoor CEO Eric Wu steps down, CFO Carrie Wheeler steps in as new chief executive

21:00 02.12.2022

Florida state tax website bug exposed filers’ data

20:41 02.12.2022

Google shuts down Duplex on the Web, its attempt to bring AI smarts to retail sites and more

20:30 02.12.2022

Q&A: ‘Better Venture’ authors on why VC has failed to reinvent itself

20:00 02.12.2022

Google is testing end-to-end encryption for group chats in the Messages app

19:39 02.12.2022

Stripe announces fiat-to-crypto onramp widget

19:30 02.12.2022

Box reaches $1B run rate in spite of a quarter dogged by currency challenges

19:20 02.12.2022

GoStudent uses its warchest to acquire large network of traditional tutoring centres in Europe

19:15 02.12.2022

Демна Гвасалия лично извинился за рекламу Balenciaga с детьми и игрушками в стиле БДСМ

499 sostav.ru

18:32 02.12.2022

FBI, CISA say Cuba ransomware gang extorted $60M from victims this year

18:30 02.12.2022

ChatGPT isn’t putting me out of a job yet, but it’s very good fun

18:26 02.12.2022

В Ozon появился новый раздел аналитики – Воронка продаж

18:20 02.12.2022

Shkulev Media Holding прекращает работу сайтов под брендом Elle

443 sostav.ru

18:10 02.12.2022

Singapore-based e-commerce platform Carousell lays off 10% of staff

18:00 02.12.2022

Are we bullfighting in Spain? Because that’s a red flag

17:30 02.12.2022

Оборот «Вкусно – и точка» после открытия под этим брендом упал на 15-20%

460 sostav.ru