23:28 10.04.2018

Шутки о выступлении Цукерберга в Конгрессе США

23:02 10.04.2018

‘Tens of thousands’ of Facebook accounts may be related to Russian intelligence

22:52 10.04.2018

Mark Zuckerberg: “There will always be a version of Facebook that is free”

22:45 10.04.2018

Facebook did not inform the FTC about initial Cambridge Analytica leak

22:45 10.04.2018

Zuckerberg confirms Facebook has been interviewd by Mueller’s special counsel

22:13 10.04.2018

How ad-free subscriptions could save Facebook

21:35 10.04.2018

How Facebook has reacted since the data misuse scandal broke

21:34 10.04.2018

A literal Russian troll is lurking at the Zuckerberg hearing

21:32 10.04.2018

Fed up with Facebook, activists find new ways to defend their movements

21:02 10.04.2018

Go find out now if Cambridge Analytica had access to your data

20:41 10.04.2018

A new app called Garden helps you stay in touch with friends and family without Facebook

20:28 10.04.2018

Twitter endorses the Honest Ads Act, a bill promoting political ad transparency

19:16 10.04.2018

Facebook будет платить за сообщения о новых утечках данных до $40 тысяч

18:49 10.04.2018

Facebook выплатит до $40 тысяч обнаружившим утечки данных пользователям

18:18 10.04.2018

Facebook is again criticized for failing to prevent religious conflict in Myanmar

18:04 10.04.2018

Facebook rolls out $40K user data abuse bounty ahead of Zuckerberg’s Congressional testimony

17:25 10.04.2018

Facebook begins blocking apps from accessing user data after 90 days of non-use

15:43 10.04.2018

A brief history of Facebook’s privacy hostility ahead of Zuckerberg’s testimony

14:00 10.04.2018

Не все легко шерится: когда sharing-economy не работает

1,632 firrma.ru

13:57 10.04.2018

Тренды в SMM: есть ли жизнь после смерти «органики»