00:53 04.10.2017

Hands-on with Samsung’s Odyssey VR headset for Windows 10

21:00 03.10.2017

Microsoft’s Mixed Reality platform is now open to SteamVR developers

21:00 03.10.2017

Samsung joins Microsoft’s VR parade with its new high-end headset for Windows 10

21:00 03.10.2017

Microsoft acquires social virtual reality app AltspaceVR

17:17 03.10.2017

Kahoot launches premium version aimed at corporate training market

10:02 03.10.2017

Минтранс выделит 55 млн рублей на замену программ Microsoft отечественными аналогами

22:00 02.10.2017

Microsoft will soon shutter its music store and streaming service, move users to Spotify

18:42 02.10.2017

В Яндекс.Такси пришёл Пётр Диденко, экс топ-менеджер «Альфа-банка» и «СКБ Контура», евангелист Microsoft

1,072 roem.ru

17:53 27.09.2017

Microsoft becomes a sponsor of the Open Source Initiative

18:59 26.09.2017

Workplace, Facebook’s enterprise edition, snaps up Walmart as a customer

18:31 26.09.2017

Microsoft Excel is about to get a lot smarter

11:07 26.09.2017

Билл Гейтс публично признался, что перешел на Android-смартфон и не интересуется iPhone

1,266 rusbase.vc

09:34 26.09.2017

AI startup Appier hires Sean Chu from Microsoft to head its Asia growth strategy

01:27 26.09.2017

Microsoft places its bets on quantum computing

23:51 25.09.2017

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella’s new book is more business text than memoir

23:00 25.09.2017

17:00 25.09.2017

Microsoft’s new Data Box lets you mail up to 100 TB to its Azure cloud

16:02 25.09.2017

Microsoft launches new machine learning tools

16:01 25.09.2017

Microsoft finally starts doing something with LinkedIn by integrating it into Office 365

16:00 25.09.2017

Microsoft looks to the cloud to expand its security offerings