19:10 23.12.2015

Users disabling your app’s location? 4 ways you’re missing out

11:36 23.12.2015

В YouTube появились интерактивные видео Spotlight Stories

21:00 22.12.2015

“App Santa” Promo Drops Prices On 20 Top iOS And Mac Apps

08:57 22.12.2015

Pigment — iOS-раскраска для снятия стресса

22:12 21.12.2015

Microsoft disables ‘Hey Cortana’ feature on Android due to voice search conflict

10:46 21.12.2015

Facebook облегчит поиск местных мероприятий

18:15 19.12.2015

Slovenian startup Toshl reinvents its popular budgeting app for the modern banking era

00:48 19.12.2015

Extroverts Rejoice! Now Facebook Now Finds You Parties

17:42 18.12.2015

Sailfish OS Lives To Fight Android Another Day As Jolla Secures Series C Funding

16:00 18.12.2015

Яндекс.Браузер предупредит пользователей о мобильных подписках

12:34 18.12.2015

Роман Абрамович инвестирует $2 млн в таблетку от ожирения

3,067 rusbase.vc

12:09 18.12.2015

Facebook проигрывает музыку, пока вы скроллите

2,396 likeni.ru

10:27 18.12.2015

Ambi Climate is gunning for $2M to be the Nest of Asia

08:02 18.12.2015

Evernote Kills Off Skitch For Windows, Android And iOS — But Retains Mac App

01:46 18.12.2015

Evernote is killing Skitch for Android, iOS, and Windows on January 22, but not Mac

23:09 17.12.2015

Microsoft Translator loops Apple Watch, Android Wear devices into real-time conversations

21:31 17.12.2015

Twilio moves its peer-to-peer video calling SDK into public beta

17:00 17.12.2015

Service, The Customer Service Startup, Launches Its iOS App

15:05 17.12.2015

Belly Updates iOS App Allowing Merchants Mobile Access To Customer Engagement Tools

14:13 17.12.2015

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