14:30 28.01.2016

Неделя без мышки — Сможет ли iPad Pro с клавиатурой Apple Smart Keyboard заменить компьютер

10:11 28.01.2016

Easy ten получил $125 тысяч от 500 Startups при оценке $5 млн

6,936 firrma.ru

03:00 28.01.2016

Job Today raises $10 million to help you find a job, erm, today

02:09 28.01.2016

You probably won’t pay with Venmo any time soon

22:00 27.01.2016

Google Brings Commenting To Sheets And Slides On Mobile

22:00 27.01.2016

Google revamps commenting in Docs, adds support to Sheets and Slides on Android and iOS

19:00 27.01.2016

Google speeds up Chrome for iOS with Apple’s WKWebView, officially launches Data Saver extension on the desktop

19:00 27.01.2016

Chrome For iOS Now Faster And Crashes 70% Less Often

23:04 26.01.2016

Peach Just Released An Official Web Version, But Is That Enough To Juice Activity?

23:03 26.01.2016

Microsoft Launches A Bing-Powered News App For iOS Devices, News Pro

17:25 26.01.2016

Илья Широков оказался акционером сервиса для обмена фотографиями Pixty

3,651 firrma.ru

16:00 26.01.2016

Games still dominated the iOS app store in Q4

03:10 26.01.2016

Minecraft: Pocket Edition gets a beta update — here’s what new and different

10:41 25.01.2016

«Яндекс.Музыка» заморозила стоимость подписки в iOS-приложении после повышения цен в российском App Store

09:40 22.01.2016

Google заплатил Apple $1 млрд за строку поиска на IPhone

07:11 22.01.2016

Google Reportedly Paid Apple $1B In 2014 To Remain Default Search Engine On iOS

21:15 21.01.2016

Microsoft launches Office Insider program for Mac, new PowerPoint features and inking tools for iOS

20:30 21.01.2016

The Oatmeal’s wacky Exploding Kittens debuts on mobile with iOS game